
一月初, hundreds of drivers were stranded in snowy conditions on Interstate 95 for more than 24 hours. 有些车汽油不足. 有些人没有食物. All were stuck until the Virginia Department of 运输 (VDOT) could clear the blockages.

但是,如果无人机可以为驾车者递送包裹呢? 如果VDOT有能力部署自动犁会怎么样? 如果货物和人员的运输不局限于现有的高速公路会怎么样, 铁路和航运路线?

这些都是大的“如果”正在解决 弗吉尼亚航天研究所 & 自治(签证)最靠谱的网赌软件, launched in 2019 to explore the untapped potential for spaceflight and autonomous systems 在汉普顿路 and the commonwealth.

VISA正在利用汉普顿路的战略优势. "The commonwealth and Southeast Virginia are blessed with unique assets for aerospace - two NASA facilities, 一个庞大的国防部存在, 一个既有城市中心又有农村的地理生态系统, 大型内陆海湾港口,靠近华盛顿, D.C.VISA的执行董事大卫·鲍尔斯说. "We're looking to leverage those assets to grow the economy, develop talent and foster innovation."

Experts in the field imagine a future where autonomous systems can take on jobs traditionally considered dull, 肮脏或危险. 无人驾驶车辆可以进行检查, 维护和监控该地区一些最大的工业, 从弗吉尼亚港到大西洋的海上风力涡轮机.

作为一个 研究1分类机构, ODU offers VISA access to experts in disciplines necessary to developing autonomous solutions, 包括建模和仿真, 网络安全, 工程, 海事和供应链管理, 和更多的.

自主系统的开发和集成将会发生, 鲍尔斯说, 汉普顿路应该带头冲锋. “我们可以袖手旁观,看着其他地方发生这样的事情, or we can help drive it and reap the benefits from an economic and educational standpoint,他说.


今年, VISA will work on two state-funded projects designed to imagine the possibilities for autonomous systems, 比如无人机或水上交通工具, 在汉普顿路.

2021年12月, VISA收到100美元,6万美元,用于进行一项空气研究, ground and water routes to identify how unmanned systems could expedite the transport of goods, 服务业和旅行者. 他们还将与ODU的Dragas经济分析中心合作 & Policy to evaluate the potential economic impact of investing in autonomous systems.

设想未来无人驾驶车辆可以绕过现有的交通堵塞, VISA将召集包括相关行业代表在内的焦点小组, 联邦设施, 地方政府和军队.

鲍尔斯说:“我发现‘建好就会有人来’这句话只适用于电影。. “你必须得到支持,解决方案必须适用于每个人."

They'll look at the notorious pinch points that slow transportation - particularly bridges and tunnels - and imagine ways to go over, 下面或周围. 通过这个过程, they may also identify scenarios where technology could advance ahead of government regulation, 以及如何确保一个安全的自动化未来.

"As we began thinking about the key connection points we have here, we arrived at two questions. 第一个, 有没有未充分利用的地方可以缓解旅游业的一些问题, 旅行和运输货物?VISA副主任约翰·科斯图利斯(John 成本ulis)说. "Second, should we even be thinking this way, or should we be thinking from a clean sheet of paper?"

The project complements VISA's partnership with the Virginia 创新 Partnership Corporation (VIPC) Unmanned Systems Center, which is finalizing a Regional 自治系统 Strategic playbook that will help guide Hampton Roads on next steps.

“这类计划的制定对行动至关重要, and integration of autonomous systems throughout Hampton Roads and other regions of Virginia,特蕾西·泰南说, CIT-VIPC弗吉尼亚无人系统中心主任. “ODU-VISA是汉普顿路地区帮助工业的宝贵合作伙伴, government and academic entities contribute to the growth and development of the autonomous systems sector."

The grant was made possible with matching funding from the cities of Hampton and Norfolk, 除了“重塑汉普顿路”的支持, 谁管理该地区的GO弗吉尼亚拨款机会. “规划拨款的结果将对利用研究至关重要, innovation and workforce support for industry partners across a broad spectrum of domains, 包括海洋生态系统,Jim Spore说道, 重塑汉普顿路的总裁兼首席执行官.


VISA的工作与ODU最近宣布的工作直接相关 海上行动, 强调大学作为地区领导者的角色, 发挥和协调海洋科研创新的作用. 这项工作将使大学的现有资源协调一致,以应对这些问题, 包括VISA和创新研究所 & 企业家精神(IIE)及其 开放海洋技术创新中心, 专注于引进商业伙伴, industry and government together to identify problems and clear the way for growth in the "blue economy.去年11月,该大学发布了一份报告 经济伙伴有限责任公司, identifying strategic areas where investment could capitalize on the region's greatest natural asset: water.

The report noted Hampton Roads has the potential to become a national hub for integrated autonomous systems, 可以解决海军的市场需求, 与弗吉尼亚港有关的海上风电运营和活动.

与诺福克市密切合作, VISA and OpenSeas will take an important step in that development with the renovation of a public boat ramp to become a test site for unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) and unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs). 通过港口城市社区振兴拨款计划, 大会拨款394美元,000 for the city to renovate the nearly five-acre Willoughby Boat Ramp to create a dedicated testing area.

“这对VISA来说是很自然的, OpenSeas and the city of Norfolk to partner on this autonomous systems testing opportunity,南希·格登说, executive director for the Hampton Roads Maritime Collaboration for Growth and 创新 and associate vice president for IIE. “我们的地区有独特的空气混合, 土地, 海上和太空测试和开发空间, 当包装在一起时, 在海洋生态系统中,创新和新公司成长是必不可少的吗."

Providing access for testing is expected to encourage the growth of USV/UUV companies 在汉普顿路, 但OpenSeas将作为第一个用户, 租赁未来无人驾驶车辆的商业和学术测试场地. OpenSeas还将帮助管理和向其他公司推销该试验场. 在一个普通的工作日, observers might see an unmanned chase boat weaving and bobbing through a course of cones on the water or venturing 27 nautical miles to the wind turbine towers. In addition, IIE can assist entrepreneurs with using the test site to develop successful businesses.

The testing may reveal how autonomous systems could reduce costs associated with offshore wind energy, 杰里·克罗宁说, 公海项目主管. 如果自动驾驶船可以管理检查的某些方面, 维护, 海洋哺乳动物监测和更多, 能源成本可以减少到纳税人身上.

The combined research efforts could establish the region as an international leader for maritime innovation. "We need to be the place that folks around the world turn to for thought leadership in maritime,克罗宁说. "That's how people decide to invest in the region, locate an office here and tap our expertise."

Hampton Roads offers the perfect test kitchen to experiment with autonomous systems.

“如果你能解决我们这个复杂地区的问题,成本ulis说, “你可以在任何地方解决它们."



The ODU 海上行动 will coordinate and grow the University’s maritime-related programs, 同时探索一份新报告中确定的创新途径. (更多)


自2014年以来,福斯特一直担任该大学负责研究的副校长. (更多)


An interdisciplinary team partnered with Colonial Beach to gather data that can be used in resilience planning. (更多)